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Aligning Our Focus: Understanding CLW’s Strategic Plan


As we continue to roll out information about our Strategic Plan (check out our Introduction here), let’s take a deeper look into the Plan.

The Priorities of our Strategic Plan are:

  • Increase the Power of Choice for the People We Support and their Families

  • Improve the work-life experience of CLW employees

  • Amplify People’s Voices

But how do we do all of this?  

This is where our Objectives come in – Objectives are how we begin to focus our Strategic Plan into goals that we can actively pursue using Key Results (more on those later) – by completing these goals we realize our Priorities!

Our Objectives

Priority 1: Increase the Power of Choice for the People We Support and their Families.

  • Modernize all non-24hr support infrastructure, processes, and offerings.

  • Develop separate marketing, customer service, and continuous improvement strategies to promote CLW’s place in Windsor and the surrounding region.

  • Become a trusted source of information and education on DS sector reform to people, families, and community partners.

  • Leverage our decades of experience with individualized funding to support and inform the DS sector’s reform efforts.

Priority 2: Improve the work-life experience of CLW employees

  • Work with the union to create more fulltime roles in the organization while balancing the uncertainty that individualized funding may bring to the sector.

  • Identify and execute a plan to support employees’ whole lives.

  • Implement an active plan in support of employees’ health, including mental health.

  • Improve and expand employee communication in ways that work for them.

  • Invest in employee training in new ways based on employee interest and the emerging needs of the people we support.

  • Develop communication channels and guidelines to understand how issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion affect all people connected with CLW.

Priority 3: Amplify People’s Voices.

  • Implement advisory committees or other ways for people we support and families to have consistent and meaningful input into their services.

  • Work in partnership with advocates and existing community groups to develop the DS sector in values-based ways, providing people and families the ability to pursue opportunities, make their own choices, and achieve the life they want.

These Objectives are what we will be working on over the next three years to help us realize the Priorities of our Strategic Plan. 

Stay tuned for more about our Key Results -- these are the actionable - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely - SMART goals -- and how they will keep us on track and progressing towards our Objectives And, we will highlight the Key Results that begin in 1st quarter 2024 (April 1 – June 30).



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